Back to School .. For Your Teeth!

Back to School .. For Your Teeth!

September 12, 2019

Every year when September rolls around, people start to return to their routines and healthy habits after a long summer of fun. While we spend time taking care of our teeth every single day, it is easy to forget the essentials after long summer vacation and a break from the habits that keep your teeth and gums healthy. Today’s blog is designed as a ‘refresher’ on your oral health for both you and your kids!

Brush for 2 minutes, twice a day: This is essential and should be done once in the morning and once in the evening using a fluoride-based toothpaste. If your bathroom is big enough, brush together as a family and make it fun by playing music. Never go to sleep without brushing your teeth! It is easy to forget, especially after long hard days at work and school, but it is pivotal to maintain your oral health.

Floss once a day: Carry floss in your purse, your pocket, or your backpack to remind yourself to take a floss break any time of the day. It’s even better if you can get into a flossing routine where you floss each time you brush. Perhaps you and your family just add flossing to your daily brushing party (consider purchasing the kid-friendly floss holders to make it easier on the little ones).



Eat a diet that favors your mouth, teeth, and gums: This would include whole grains, vegetables, and dairy products and limit processed foods and sugary foods. Consider this when packing your kids lunches for school every day and opt for snacks like cheese, milk, yogurt, and fruit.

Avoid cigarettes: It is no surprise that smoking will increase your risk of gum disease, tooth decay, and oral cancer but, if you can’t quit “cold turkey”, at least try limiting the number of cigarettes you smoke each day and be sure to speak to your physician for additional guidance and advice.

Stay hydrated: Drinking water is SO essential in maintaining your oral health. Reach for a glass of water after you eat to cleanse your mouth and all the food particles lurking inside of it. Send your kids to school and yourself to work with a reusable water bottle that you can refill throughout the day.

Reduce sugary drinks: While staying hydrated is essential, it is also good to avoid drinks that stain and strain your teeth and gums. From wine to juice to coffee to soda pops, try to limit these as much as possible to protect your teeth. When you do reach for these types of beverages, use a straw.

Book regular dental visits: The easiest way to remember to go to the dentist for your cleanings is to book in advance, for you and your kids, and there is no time like the present to schedule in those appointments. Call our team now at 613-746-6666 or book online here.

Following these basic oral health guidelines can help prevent everything from oral sores to oral cancer, tooth decay, tooth loss, and cavities. If you have any questions about how to take great care of your teeth or are ready to book your appointments, email our team today at



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Copyright Dr. Sara Syed Dentistry. All rights reserved.

Copyright by DR. SARA SYED 2019. All rights reserved. Site by SKYFALL BLUE